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Moom 3 1 – Versatile Window Manager

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  • Moom: Bringing order to chaos since 2011 Moom makes window management as easy as clicking a mouse button—or using a keyboard shortcut, if you're one of those types of people. With Moom, you can easily move and zoom windows to half screen, quarter screen, or fill the screen; set custom sizes and locations, and save layouts of opened windows.
  • Moom 3.2.6 has been released with a few bug fixes for snap-related actions. Users had reported some issues with snapping when working with zoomed displays and when customizing toolbars, and some reported decreased responsiveness in certain apps. We have addressed all of these issues in Moom 3.2.6.

Moom 3.2.11 – Versatile window manager Moom allows you to move and zoom windows — using either the mouse or the keyboard — to predefined locations and sizes, or to full screen mode. When used via the mouse, all you need to do is hover over a green resize button, and Moom's interface appears.

The Amazing Lightweight Fluxbox Window Manager

One of the most popular light weight window managers out there for Linux isFluxbox. It loads quickly, gives greatwindow management support, and is very tunable. It has a task bar that willshow what's running, and provides quick switching to anything that is running.The task bar also has a number of tunable factors.

Since I use Debian Linux, I installedFluxbox with the apt-get utility as follows:

apt-get install fluxbox

Fluxbox supports multiple work spaces, as many as you wish. Youcan navigate to them by using arrows on the task bar, rolling the mouse wheel from anywhere on the root window, or with user-defined shortcut keys.

Moom 3 1 – Versatile Window Managers

In your user's home directory, the fluxbox install may createa .fluxbox directory. In there are files you can edit in orderto tailor fluxbox to your needs. If that directory doesn't exist, thenmake it and copy the fluxbox init, keys, and startupfiles from their install directory to your local .fluxbox directory.You may find the installed ones in /usr/local/share/fluxbox, orin Debian Linux in /etc/X11/fluxbox.

In fact, by editing the .fluxbox/keys file you can definekeys to not only control many aspects of window control and navigation, youcan define action keys to launch tasks. The following snippet from mykeys file give an example of defining keys to go directly to work spaces, and launch an xterm:

Mod1 1 :Workspace 1
Mod1 2 :Workspace 2
Mod1 3 :Workspace 3
Mod1 4 :Workspace 4
Mod1 5 :Workspace 5
Mod1 6 :Workspace 6
Mod1 x :exec xterm -sb
Moom 3 1 – versatile window managerial

In the key definitions, the Mod1 stands for the Alt key.Thus, Alt x launches an xterm, and Alt 2 takes me towork space 2. Note that there is a space between the Mod1, the key,and the :Workspace. Without the space the key maps will fail.

Fluxbox doesn't have any direct support for clickable icons, but there are acouple of options to add that capability with other efficient products. Theleast expensive in resource of these launchers run in what Fluxbox calls the slit.

So what is the slit? It took me awhile to figure it out. I was used towindow managers like fvwm, which have somekind of button bar. With these, you can define buttons, their icons, and whatto do when clicked. That's what I expected with the slit.


The slit isn't a launcher, it holds actual running tasks. The speciallydesigned tasks display in a button sized output, and all run in the slit. You can set many options that control the slit, such as whether to display the slittask displays in a horizontal arrangement or a vertical one. Where on thescreen to have the slit. And whether to have the slit always on top, or beallowed to be covered up by other tasks. You can even have the slitautomatically withdraw to nothing more than, well, a slit --a thin but visibleline. When the mouse is over the withdrawn slit, the running slit applicationswill become visible.

Some other window managers call such tasks Dockapps, for dockable applications. Such dockapps designed for other window managers willwork fine in the Fluxbox slit. Some available ones are those written for Blackbox as part of the bbtools package. Another group of dockapps that work nicely with Fluxboxare the WindowMakerDockapps. Bitcoin casino reviews.

If you simply runs any of these dockapps (usually followed with the &symbol to let it run in the background), the application will automatically bepicked up by the slit. By adding the reference (with &) to the Fluxboxstartup file the dockapps come up automatically. The startup fileis usually in your home .fluxbox directory

Moom 3 1 – Versatile Window Manager Job

Fluxbox Is Easily Configured

Fluxbox is not only quite configurable, but it offers many of the configuration options via an easy to use menu system.

A right click anywhere in the root window will bring up the menus.One of the selections is Configuration. Once clicked, the Configuration menu will pop up revealing more options.

Among those isSlit. Here you see this hierarchy of menus shown. You can seeall the possible configuration selections. Within the slit menu you cansee all the options just for the slit.

If you need even more tuning, you can edit the .fluxbox/initfile to have access to all the tunable parameters.

A Screen Shot: Fluxbox With Idesk

Above is a screen shot of my Fluxbox configuration. You canclick on the image for a full sized image. Background files, such as theone shown, can be loaded with the Fluxbox utility fbsetbg.

You'll notice a lot of icons on the right side of the screen. Fluxboxdoesn't provide directly for such icons, it only has a menu system thatcomes up with a right-mouse click in the root window.

To get the icons in this screen shot I used a utility called idesk.Idesk lets you define icons for the screen, and will work not only onFluxbox but any window manager you like to use. Affinity designer 1 3 5 (1 3 6) download free.

Idesk icons can be moved to any place on the screen with a left-mouse clickand drag. The idesk utility will remember where the icons are so on next entryinto the window manager the icons will re-appear wherever you moved them. Adouble click on an icon will launch the associated task. Idesk is fairly lighton resource requirements itself, using roughly what most of the light windowmanagers use.

Tabbing Windows On Fluxbox

In the previous section you might notice that 3 windows were open on thedisplayed workspace. A very neat feature of Fluxbox is the ability to combine multiple windows into a single window with tabs. Each of the tabsbrings up one of the merged windows in the same window space. Simply doinga middle-mouse click and drag on a window title bar to the host windowtitle bar will make the dragged window a tab in the host window.

In the example below, you can see that I've combined the 3 windows ofthe screen shot image into a single window that has 3 tabs. I've labeledthe tabs so you can see what I mean.

Clicking on a tab will replace the display in the window with that ofthe tabbed application. Is that neat or what? You can restore a tab toan individual window by middle-clicking on the tab in the title bar anddragging to a new screen location.

The Fluxbox Slit

Above you see a screen shot of another setup variation of Fluxbox. Onthis example, there are no idesk icons, but there are some button-sizeddisplays on the upper-right side of the screen. These are Window Maker dockappsresiding in the Fluxbox slit.

Many handy dockapps are available including system monitoring applications,clock applications, handy utility applications, and application launchingapplications. In fact, within the Window Maker dockapp collection are a coupleof very handy task launchers that can reside in the slit. These offer clickable icons in a very compact and resource frugal design.

Moom 3 1 – Versatile Window Manager Salary

This image is a normal-sized display of the slit applications of theprevious screen shot. The top one is clearly a clock provide by thewmtime dockapp. It can alternately display a digital clock.

The middle dockapp is the most interesting. It's a Window Maker dockappnamed wmbutton. Through use of a setup file named .wmbutton, itallows you to define actions to be taken if you click on any of the9 miniature buttons within the display.

The bottom one shows the current phase of the moon. It's provided bythe Window Maker wmmoonclock dockapp. Clicking on the moon imagewith the left-mouse button will allow you to step through more displays, each showing additional information about the moon.

The wmbutton dockapp is more powerful than first appears. Eachminiature button may be programmed to launch up to 3 different applications,depending upon which mouse button is clicked. This little dockapp is thesmallest method I've found in both size and resource requirement for addingclickable buttons for launching applications.

Another Fluxbox Variation With Wmdrawer

Above you see another option for adding clickable icons to Fluxbox,again with little added resource requirement. Notice the different look ofthe slit at the upper-right portion of the screen.

Here's the slit display in full size. Again you may noticethe wmtime clock display. Below that is a penguin that is the display of a Window Maker dockapp called wmdrawer.

When you click on the penguin, the drawer opens to display as many icons asyou've defined. Clicking on one will launch its associated application.Hovering over one will display a user-defined reminder of what the applicationis.

You define the buttons and associated applications in a file named.wmdrawerrc in your home directory. It uses only slightly more resourcethan the wmbutton utility, and much less than idesk.

Once an application icon is clicked, the drawer withdraws, leaving onlythe penguin image.


Hopefully this review and tutorial has given you some idea of the look andfeel of Fluxbox. It is small, fast, configurable, and reliable. While Inormally use Fvwm, Fluxbox is a top contender for my attention. On myresuscitated OldLaptop, I use Fluxbox and Ratpoison as my two window managers.

My old laptop has a built-in mouse that has given up the ghost. I usean external thumb-mouse to replace it, but avoid the mouse whenever I can.This is quite possible with Fluxbox because of the extensive capabilityof defining shortcut keys in the .fluxbox/keys file.

If you have any resource limitations, or are like me and just don'tfeel comfortable wasting resources on a computer interface, then I recommend that you give Fluxbox a look.

The Amazing Lightweight Fluxbox Window Manager

One of the most popular light weight window managers out there for Linux isFluxbox. It loads quickly, gives greatwindow management support, and is very tunable. It has a task bar that willshow what's running, and provides quick switching to anything that is running.The task bar also has a number of tunable factors.

Since I use Debian Linux, I installedFluxbox with the apt-get utility as follows:

apt-get install fluxbox

Fluxbox supports multiple work spaces, as many as you wish. Youcan navigate to them by using arrows on the task bar, rolling the mouse wheel from anywhere on the root window, or with user-defined shortcut keys.

In your user's home directory, the fluxbox install may createa .fluxbox directory. In there are files you can edit in orderto tailor fluxbox to your needs. If that directory doesn't exist, thenmake it and copy the fluxbox init, keys, and startupfiles from their install directory to your local .fluxbox directory.You may find the installed ones in /usr/local/share/fluxbox, orin Debian Linux in /etc/X11/fluxbox.

In fact, by editing the .fluxbox/keys file you can definekeys to not only control many aspects of window control and navigation, youcan define action keys to launch tasks. The following snippet from mykeys file give an example of defining keys to go directly to work spaces, and launch an xterm:

Mod1 1 :Workspace 1
Mod1 2 :Workspace 2
Mod1 3 :Workspace 3
Mod1 4 :Workspace 4
Mod1 5 :Workspace 5
Mod1 6 :Workspace 6
Mod1 x :exec xterm -sb

In the key definitions, the Mod1 stands for the Alt key.Thus, Alt x launches an xterm, and Alt 2 takes me towork space 2. Note that there is a space between the Mod1, the key,and the :Workspace. Without the space the key maps will fail.

Fluxbox doesn't have any direct support for clickable icons, but there are acouple of options to add that capability with other efficient products. Theleast expensive in resource of these launchers run in what Fluxbox calls the slit.

Moom 3 1 – Versatile Window Manager

In the key definitions, the Mod1 stands for the Alt key.Thus, Alt x launches an xterm, and Alt 2 takes me towork space 2. Note that there is a space between the Mod1, the key,and the :Workspace. Without the space the key maps will fail.

Fluxbox doesn't have any direct support for clickable icons, but there are acouple of options to add that capability with other efficient products. Theleast expensive in resource of these launchers run in what Fluxbox calls the slit.

So what is the slit? It took me awhile to figure it out. I was used towindow managers like fvwm, which have somekind of button bar. With these, you can define buttons, their icons, and whatto do when clicked. That's what I expected with the slit.


The slit isn't a launcher, it holds actual running tasks. The speciallydesigned tasks display in a button sized output, and all run in the slit. You can set many options that control the slit, such as whether to display the slittask displays in a horizontal arrangement or a vertical one. Where on thescreen to have the slit. And whether to have the slit always on top, or beallowed to be covered up by other tasks. You can even have the slitautomatically withdraw to nothing more than, well, a slit --a thin but visibleline. When the mouse is over the withdrawn slit, the running slit applicationswill become visible.

Some other window managers call such tasks Dockapps, for dockable applications. Such dockapps designed for other window managers willwork fine in the Fluxbox slit. Some available ones are those written for Blackbox as part of the bbtools package. Another group of dockapps that work nicely with Fluxboxare the WindowMakerDockapps. Bitcoin casino reviews.

If you simply runs any of these dockapps (usually followed with the &symbol to let it run in the background), the application will automatically bepicked up by the slit. By adding the reference (with &) to the Fluxboxstartup file the dockapps come up automatically. The startup fileis usually in your home .fluxbox directory

Moom 3 1 – Versatile Window Manager Job

Fluxbox Is Easily Configured

Fluxbox is not only quite configurable, but it offers many of the configuration options via an easy to use menu system.

A right click anywhere in the root window will bring up the menus.One of the selections is Configuration. Once clicked, the Configuration menu will pop up revealing more options.

Among those isSlit. Here you see this hierarchy of menus shown. You can seeall the possible configuration selections. Within the slit menu you cansee all the options just for the slit.

If you need even more tuning, you can edit the .fluxbox/initfile to have access to all the tunable parameters.

A Screen Shot: Fluxbox With Idesk

Above is a screen shot of my Fluxbox configuration. You canclick on the image for a full sized image. Background files, such as theone shown, can be loaded with the Fluxbox utility fbsetbg.

You'll notice a lot of icons on the right side of the screen. Fluxboxdoesn't provide directly for such icons, it only has a menu system thatcomes up with a right-mouse click in the root window.

To get the icons in this screen shot I used a utility called idesk.Idesk lets you define icons for the screen, and will work not only onFluxbox but any window manager you like to use. Affinity designer 1 3 5 (1 3 6) download free.

Idesk icons can be moved to any place on the screen with a left-mouse clickand drag. The idesk utility will remember where the icons are so on next entryinto the window manager the icons will re-appear wherever you moved them. Adouble click on an icon will launch the associated task. Idesk is fairly lighton resource requirements itself, using roughly what most of the light windowmanagers use.

Tabbing Windows On Fluxbox

In the previous section you might notice that 3 windows were open on thedisplayed workspace. A very neat feature of Fluxbox is the ability to combine multiple windows into a single window with tabs. Each of the tabsbrings up one of the merged windows in the same window space. Simply doinga middle-mouse click and drag on a window title bar to the host windowtitle bar will make the dragged window a tab in the host window.

In the example below, you can see that I've combined the 3 windows ofthe screen shot image into a single window that has 3 tabs. I've labeledthe tabs so you can see what I mean.

Clicking on a tab will replace the display in the window with that ofthe tabbed application. Is that neat or what? You can restore a tab toan individual window by middle-clicking on the tab in the title bar anddragging to a new screen location.

The Fluxbox Slit

Above you see a screen shot of another setup variation of Fluxbox. Onthis example, there are no idesk icons, but there are some button-sizeddisplays on the upper-right side of the screen. These are Window Maker dockappsresiding in the Fluxbox slit.

Many handy dockapps are available including system monitoring applications,clock applications, handy utility applications, and application launchingapplications. In fact, within the Window Maker dockapp collection are a coupleof very handy task launchers that can reside in the slit. These offer clickable icons in a very compact and resource frugal design.

Moom 3 1 – Versatile Window Manager Salary

This image is a normal-sized display of the slit applications of theprevious screen shot. The top one is clearly a clock provide by thewmtime dockapp. It can alternately display a digital clock.

The middle dockapp is the most interesting. It's a Window Maker dockappnamed wmbutton. Through use of a setup file named .wmbutton, itallows you to define actions to be taken if you click on any of the9 miniature buttons within the display.

The bottom one shows the current phase of the moon. It's provided bythe Window Maker wmmoonclock dockapp. Clicking on the moon imagewith the left-mouse button will allow you to step through more displays, each showing additional information about the moon.

The wmbutton dockapp is more powerful than first appears. Eachminiature button may be programmed to launch up to 3 different applications,depending upon which mouse button is clicked. This little dockapp is thesmallest method I've found in both size and resource requirement for addingclickable buttons for launching applications.

Another Fluxbox Variation With Wmdrawer

Above you see another option for adding clickable icons to Fluxbox,again with little added resource requirement. Notice the different look ofthe slit at the upper-right portion of the screen.

Here's the slit display in full size. Again you may noticethe wmtime clock display. Below that is a penguin that is the display of a Window Maker dockapp called wmdrawer.

When you click on the penguin, the drawer opens to display as many icons asyou've defined. Clicking on one will launch its associated application.Hovering over one will display a user-defined reminder of what the applicationis.

You define the buttons and associated applications in a file named.wmdrawerrc in your home directory. It uses only slightly more resourcethan the wmbutton utility, and much less than idesk.

Once an application icon is clicked, the drawer withdraws, leaving onlythe penguin image.


Hopefully this review and tutorial has given you some idea of the look andfeel of Fluxbox. It is small, fast, configurable, and reliable. While Inormally use Fvwm, Fluxbox is a top contender for my attention. On myresuscitated OldLaptop, I use Fluxbox and Ratpoison as my two window managers.

My old laptop has a built-in mouse that has given up the ghost. I usean external thumb-mouse to replace it, but avoid the mouse whenever I can.This is quite possible with Fluxbox because of the extensive capabilityof defining shortcut keys in the .fluxbox/keys file.

If you have any resource limitations, or are like me and just don'tfeel comfortable wasting resources on a computer interface, then I recommend that you give Fluxbox a look.

The Amazing Lightweight Fluxbox Window Manager

One of the most popular light weight window managers out there for Linux isFluxbox. It loads quickly, gives greatwindow management support, and is very tunable. It has a task bar that willshow what's running, and provides quick switching to anything that is running.The task bar also has a number of tunable factors.

Since I use Debian Linux, I installedFluxbox with the apt-get utility as follows:

apt-get install fluxbox

Fluxbox supports multiple work spaces, as many as you wish. Youcan navigate to them by using arrows on the task bar, rolling the mouse wheel from anywhere on the root window, or with user-defined shortcut keys.

In your user's home directory, the fluxbox install may createa .fluxbox directory. In there are files you can edit in orderto tailor fluxbox to your needs. If that directory doesn't exist, thenmake it and copy the fluxbox init, keys, and startupfiles from their install directory to your local .fluxbox directory.You may find the installed ones in /usr/local/share/fluxbox, orin Debian Linux in /etc/X11/fluxbox.

In fact, by editing the .fluxbox/keys file you can definekeys to not only control many aspects of window control and navigation, youcan define action keys to launch tasks. The following snippet from mykeys file give an example of defining keys to go directly to work spaces, and launch an xterm:

Mod1 1 :Workspace 1
Mod1 2 :Workspace 2
Mod1 3 :Workspace 3
Mod1 4 :Workspace 4
Mod1 5 :Workspace 5
Mod1 6 :Workspace 6
Mod1 x :exec xterm -sb

In the key definitions, the Mod1 stands for the Alt key.Thus, Alt x launches an xterm, and Alt 2 takes me towork space 2. Note that there is a space between the Mod1, the key,and the :Workspace. Without the space the key maps will fail.

Fluxbox doesn't have any direct support for clickable icons, but there are acouple of options to add that capability with other efficient products. Theleast expensive in resource of these launchers run in what Fluxbox calls the slit.

So what is the slit? It took me awhile to figure it out. I was used towindow managers like fvwm, which have somekind of button bar. With these, you can define buttons, their icons, and whatto do when clicked. That's what I expected with the slit.


The slit isn't a launcher, it holds actual running tasks. The speciallydesigned tasks display in a button sized output, and all run in the slit. You can set many options that control the slit, such as whether to display the slittask displays in a horizontal arrangement or a vertical one. Where on thescreen to have the slit. And whether to have the slit always on top, or beallowed to be covered up by other tasks. You can even have the slitautomatically withdraw to nothing more than, well, a slit --a thin but visibleline. When the mouse is over the withdrawn slit, the running slit applicationswill become visible.

Some other window managers call such tasks Dockapps, for dockable applications. Such dockapps designed for other window managers willwork fine in the Fluxbox slit. Some available ones are those written for Blackbox as part of the bbtools package. Another group of dockapps that work nicely with Fluxboxare the WindowMakerDockapps.

If you simply runs any of these dockapps (usually followed with the &symbol to let it run in the background), the application will automatically bepicked up by the slit. By adding the reference (with &) to the Fluxboxstartup file the dockapps come up automatically. The startup fileis usually in your home .fluxbox directory

Fluxbox Is Easily Configured

Fluxbox is not only quite configurable, but it offers many of the configuration options via an easy to use menu system.

Moom 3 1 – Versatile Window Managerial

A right click anywhere in the root window will bring up the menus.One of the selections is Configuration. Once clicked, the Configuration menu will pop up revealing more options.

Among those isSlit. Here you see this hierarchy of menus shown. You can seeall the possible configuration selections. Within the slit menu you cansee all the options just for the slit. Lucky creek casino no deposit bonus codes 2019.

If you need even more tuning, you can edit the .fluxbox/init Jungle heat promo codes. file to have access to all the tunable parameters.

A Screen Shot: Fluxbox With Idesk

Above is a screen shot of my Fluxbox configuration. You canclick on the image for a full sized image. Background files, such as theone shown, can be loaded with the Fluxbox utility fbsetbg.

You'll notice a lot of icons on the right side of the screen. Fluxboxdoesn't provide directly for such icons, it only has a menu system thatcomes up with a right-mouse click in the root window.

To get the icons in this screen shot I used a utility called idesk.Idesk lets you define icons for the screen, and will work not only onFluxbox but any window manager you like to use.

Idesk icons can be moved to any place on the screen with a left-mouse clickand drag. The idesk utility will remember where the icons are so on next entryinto the window manager the icons will re-appear wherever you moved them. Adouble click on an icon will launch the associated task. Idesk is fairly lighton resource requirements itself, using roughly what most of the light windowmanagers use.

Tabbing Windows On Fluxbox

In the previous section you might notice that 3 windows were open on thedisplayed workspace. A very neat feature of Fluxbox is the ability to combine multiple windows into a single window with tabs. Each of the tabsbrings up one of the merged windows in the same window space. Simply doinga middle-mouse click and drag on a window title bar to the host windowtitle bar will make the dragged window a tab in the host window.

In the example below, you can see that I've combined the 3 windows ofthe screen shot image into a single window that has 3 tabs. I've labeledthe tabs so you can see what I mean.

Clicking on a tab will replace the display in the window with that ofthe tabbed application. Is that neat or what? You can restore a tab toan individual window by middle-clicking on the tab in the title bar anddragging to a new screen location.

The Fluxbox Slit

Above you see a screen shot of another setup variation of Fluxbox. Onthis example, there are no idesk icons, but there are some button-sizeddisplays on the upper-right side of the screen. These are Window Maker dockappsresiding in the Fluxbox slit.

Many handy dockapps are available including system monitoring applications,clock applications, handy utility applications, and application launchingapplications. In fact, within the Window Maker dockapp collection are a coupleof very handy task launchers that can reside in the slit. These offer clickable icons in a very compact and resource frugal design.

This image is a normal-sized display of the slit applications of theprevious screen shot. The top one is clearly a clock provide by thewmtime dockapp. It can alternately display a digital clock.

The middle dockapp is the most interesting. It's a Window Maker dockappnamed wmbutton. Through use of a setup file named .wmbutton , itallows you to define actions to be taken if you click on any of the9 miniature buttons within the display.

The bottom one shows the current phase of the moon. It's provided bythe Window Maker wmmoonclock dockapp. Clicking on the moon imagewith the left-mouse button will allow you to step through more displays, each showing additional information about the moon.

The wmbutton dockapp is more powerful than first appears. Eachminiature button may be programmed to launch up to 3 different applications,depending upon which mouse button is clicked. This little dockapp is thesmallest method I've found in both size and resource requirement for addingclickable buttons for launching applications.

Another Fluxbox Variation With Wmdrawer

Above you see another option for adding clickable icons to Fluxbox,again with little added resource requirement. Notice the different look ofthe slit at the upper-right portion of the screen.

Here's the slit display in full size. Again you may noticethe wmtime clock display. Below that is a penguin that is the display of a Window Maker dockapp called wmdrawer. Reaper download.

When you click on the penguin, the drawer opens to display as many icons asyou've defined. Clicking on one will launch its associated application.Hovering over one will display a user-defined reminder of what the applicationis.

You define the buttons and associated applications in a file named.wmdrawerrc in your home directory. It uses only slightly more resourcethan the wmbutton utility, and much less than idesk.

Once an application icon is clicked, the drawer withdraws, leaving onlythe penguin image.


Hopefully this review and tutorial has given you some idea of the look andfeel of Fluxbox. It is small, fast, configurable, and reliable. While Inormally use Fvwm, Fluxbox is a top contender for my attention. On myresuscitated OldLaptop, I use Fluxbox and Ratpoison as my two window managers.

My old laptop has a built-in mouse that has given up the ghost. I usean external thumb-mouse to replace it, but avoid the mouse whenever I can.This is quite possible with Fluxbox because of the extensive capabilityof defining shortcut keys in the .fluxbox/keys file.

If you have any resource limitations, or are like me and just don'tfeel comfortable wasting resources on a computer interface, then I recommend that you give Fluxbox a look.

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